Tag Archives: medicine in cyprus

International Higher Education Webinars – June 2021 4 of 4

Our final webinar this month will be a little different in the sense that we will be our own special guest. This webinar will focus on studying medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine abroad.

Students currently in Year 12 are most likely thinking solely about their British options at this time but there is really high chance that they will need to look abroad if they don’t get a place here. Rather than leaving their research to the last minute once the situation in the UK becomes clear, we encourage students to be more proactive.

Studying abroad is a big decision for anyone to take but there are many real issues for medics, dentists and vets. In this webinar we aim to assist students with identifying the key issues around applying overseas. For this reason, we have deliberately decided not to invite guests from specific universities in order that we can keep our advice as focussed on the needs of students as possible.

It is our aim to ensure that all participants in the webinar know how to ask the key questions when researching their options at international medical and dental schools. We will deliver a presentation covering the key issues but we welcome questions from participants.

While this session is primarily designed for British and Irish students we welcome attendees from any country.

Please register for the webinar here.

When: Monday 28th June, 5:00pm BST

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