Tag Archives: study in ukraine

A message for students enrolled at Ukrainian Medical and Dental Schools

Current tragic events mean that it is unlikely you will be able to resume your studies in the near future. We have been contacted by many students looking into the possibility of transferring. This is extremely complicated, particularly as the majority of students have been enrolled into “graduate entry” routes which, in reality, never existed; direct entry into the 3rd or 4th year of a six-year programme is actually something entirely different and this has consequences if you are seeking to have prior study recognised by medical schools elsewhere in the European Union.

In ordinary circumstances there would be zero chance of any EU medical school recognising your prior study (particularly credits not earned on medicine degrees) but these are not ordinary circumstances. We are contacting all medical schools we know to see if there is any possibility of recognising Ukrainian credits. You are welcome to contact us to see if we have made any progress with this. Certain agents operating in Ukraine are refusing to release transcripts to their students and we have made our partner schools aware of this situation.

It has also come to our attention that one of the main agents that has been paid handsomely for sending UK students to Ukrainian medical schools is now requesting payment to facilitate transfers to Georgian medical schools. Firstly, you would be right to have an extremely low opinion of such behaviour and secondly, please do not go to medical school in Georgia if you can possibly avoid it.

This is obviously a difficult situation for many people and I expect it will be a huge setback to many people’s desire to qualify as a doctor or a dentist. Unfortunately, for many people in this situation we will only be able to offer our sympathy.

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Filed under study dentistry abroad, study medicine abroad, study medicine in italy, Ukrainian medical students